Thursday, August 13, 2009

Proven Wrong....

Two quotes that get to me... “F A I T H….There is faith….but it only takes you so far, because once you’re there…it’s up to you to make it happen.” “I’m gonna make a change…for once in my life…It’s gonna feel real good, Gonna make a difference…gonna make it right.”- Michael Jackson (R.I.P) -------------------------- So yesterday I was in my room just thinking about everything in general..mostly about a test I took back in June this year. I had gotten a letter saying really nothing about passing or failing it….just about signing up for school again. After all the crap I’d heard from some of my family members about how stupid I “am” assuming that the letter ment that I had failed the test, I just started to break down simply because I thought they were right..I did have hope that maybe I passed but once I saw that letter all the hope I had was pretty much GONE… after ballin my eyes out the whole day I told myself what ever happens is for a reason if you fail take it as an expirience that you never want to reach again. I prayed that I had not failed this test…so much pressure on me coming from everywhere its really overwhelming and listening to all these sad songs didn’t help me or my mood and thoughts…So next morning I decided to call my best friend and talk to her maybe she could calm me down…while we were talking I made a promise to her saying if I passed the test I’d sing Man In The Mirror by Michael Jackson (R.I.P) and if I failed I’d sing They don’t really care about us also by Michael Jackson….So that was that…….after waiting for almost 2 months..I get the results….saying….. I P A S S E D At that instant I remember all my aunts and uncles who said to my parents “Marii ain’t gonna be nobody..she ain’t gonna get no where..Dancing and singing is all she can do!…But she ain’t smart in school she never was!” and just thank them in my head cause their the people that made me push my limit 100% times harder..Not only did I prove to them but I proved to myself that if I set my mind to do something and want it soo bad and don’t give up I can do it! After all this that I went thru I realized to NEVER doubt myself in anyway possible..I proving it day by day. I didn’t think I’d be as far as I am now but I’m doing it I’m doing what I said I was gonna do in the first place which was school… Just goes to show anyone can achive their goals and if you achieve your goals try and follow your dreams! In my head now I have a whole nother propesctive and its shocking how one thing can make a big diffrence in someone’s life..Therefore what I’m trying to say is.. ANYONE CAN ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS IF YOU JUST TRY HARD ENOUGH IT PAYS OFF.. I’m proving to yall and if you guys don’t believe me then maybe you should try it. I’m LIVING THE DREAM “If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and make a change.”-Michael Jackson (R.I.P) LOVE N SUPPORT, ♥MARICARM3N

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