Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I have honestly gotten to the point where, I've had enough of fucking accusations. I'm constantly being accused of things I have NOT done, and people judge me for that. I know I shouldn't care what people think of me because I honestly whole hearted-ly don't but it just bothers me how people could NOT know me and just because they've heard stuff they'll automatically label me. I do that sometimes why lie, but I try not to. Just because I've heard that you "talk shit" and wanted to "kill yourself" doesn't mean I'll believe that. Lol like let's be honest here. I've had moments where I've fucked up, I'll admit that. But you can't sit there and hold it against me forever. Like you have to move on and not hold a grudge. I obviously haven't and I actually HAVE a reason to. Like what do you gain out of accusing me of all the shit I've "supposedly" done? Do you feel happy that I'm getting called "fake, hoe, slut, bitch, stupid" ? I mean if that's how the game is I have plenty of shit to say. But why start drama seriously? WHY? You DON'T know me, you've ONLY HEARD ABOUT ME, you've NEVER MET ME. Do you really have a right to talk shit about me? NO. So stop sit your ass down, and next time think before you speak.